eHMDs > About Us

About Us

Here at eHandMeDowns, we fervently feel the world needs to change to be more sustainable. Given the staggering amounts of waste in the clothing industry, we think there is a vast, unserved market of people who want to pay less for clothes by obtaining an entire wardrobe for their children (or themselves) at an affordable price. Additionally, there is an underserved market for those who take good care of their children’s clothes (or their own) and are ready to sell them as “lots” or “groupings”, all in a similar size.

eHandMeDowns is looking to contribute to society by creating value through innovation. 43% of U.S. families do not earn enough to afford basics like rent, food, clothes, childcare, health care and transportation. And for sellers, proceeds from sales can be kept, forwarded to benefit one’s favorite charity, religious organization, or even donated to a current natural disaster relief effort. It feels good to make a difference in the lives of others.

Stand for Sustainability.

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